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Yoga is rooted in the wisdom of the text of Eight Limbs of the Pātañjalayogaśāstra, dated to 400 CE, and to have been written by the ancient sage, Patanjali. It is a Sanskrit 'exposition' from a Brāhmaṇa milieu on spiritual liberation through meditation in India. The understanding of the place, time and practitioners of this text has still so much to teach us. Scholars are continually studying and deciphering more about its meaning, and new texts about Hatha Yoga and The Yogasutras influences, are being discovered right at this moment. We still have many unanswered questions as to how we truly fit into the picture of this ancient teaching, yet, non the less, it has now been pretty well cemented into the modern yogis practice to include at least the section of the Aṣṭāṅga 8 Angas into ones psyche. These principles are highly beneficial and we are truly blessed to have such wisdom still available to us. They Consist of : Yamas (Restraint) & Niyamas (Observances), Asana (Posture), Pranayama (Breath Control), Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal), Dharana (Fixation), Dhyana (Meditation) and Samadhi (Absorption).

"Remember that your journey is still individual and  unique,

- a creation of your very own personal beliefs and construction."


The first 2 Limbs are often seen as very important gateways into creating a solid foundation by planting the right ethical seeds in your life, particulary Ahimsa, the act of 'doing no harm', which is often seen as a root foundation for the Yamas. They help one to live harmoniously with their internal and outer environments. They can be seen as 'descriptions of a nature that has been freed from the illusion of separateness', by no longer identifying with our 'Citta/Mind' and understanding the inherant duality between Prakrti (Material Matter) and Purusa (Pure Consciousness).

Yamas; Ahimsa - Do no harm, Satya - Commitment to Truth, Asteya - Not Stealing, Brahmacharya - Sexual Propriety,

Pratyahara - Non Grasping

Niyamas; Saucha - Speech, Santosha - Contentment, Tapas - Disciplined use of our energy, Swadhyaya - Self Study, Ishvarapranidhana - Surrender to the Higher Self

The Sutras continue as follows.. Asana (Posture for meditation), Pranayama (Breath regulation), Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the senses),

Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditative absorption), Samadhi (Oneness).

To really comprehend what the limbs are about, it would be essential to read one of the many translations on this topic that you

can now find in print. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: by Sri Swami Satchidananda, Yoga Sutras of Patañjali by Edwin F. Bryant

I also offer a 3 Day Yoga Immersion for beginners where we delve into some Philosophy.


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